Middle School Team
The HMS Nordic Team in a Nut Shell - 7th & 8th Graders
Team Goals: Have Fun! Ski Fast! - Improve skate and classic technique - Learn to race
Team Coaches: Tate Gale and TBD (HMS Teachers)
Team Culture:
We expect skiers to attend practices consistently throughout the season so they can improve personally and so they can support each other as a team.
Skiers who need to miss a practice should communicate to coaches ahead of time.
All skiers will race weekly
Race length is approximately 3.0 kilometers - We race at Pinelad Farms, Stark's Hill, and Libby Hill throughout the season.
Racing orders are generally set by ability (faster skiers will go first) each week. Race start style (single, wave, or mass start is selected by the race host team).
Spectating at Races- come cheer on the skiers! Please leave dogs at home for all race sites. Please stay off the ski trails unless you are wearing skis/snowshoes.
School cancelled for a snow day = No school ski events that day (practice or race)
HMS Nordic Pre-Season Action Items
Be sure your athlete's physical on file is up to date (less than two years old)
Sign up for "Notify Me" notifications from Yarmouth Athletics (see "Communications" below)
Sign your athlete's Pineland Farms Trail-use wavier electronically.
Gather properly fitting equipment (see requirements below) for the season ahead. We sometimes are able to ski in December so please take advantage of those ski swaps and sales now!
HMS Nordic Season Dates
December Dry Land Practices @ HMS - (typically T, W, Th 3:00 - 4:15 pm)
Skiers should wear layers, running shoes, and bring a full water!
Meet on the HMS blacktop by the climbing orb
January (hopefully!) On Snow Practices - Beginning January 2nd, 2024
Tuesdays-Fridays @ Winslow Field from 3:00-4:15
We will send an email about ski storage during the school day closer to this date
If there is no ski-able snow, we will revise with a dryland schedule
Weekly races are typically on Thursday afternoons during the weeks between the two winter breaks in December and February.
End of season Festival Race Day (full day) - First Saturday of February Vacation
Required Ski Equipment for HMS Skiers
Middle school skiers practice and race using both cross-country skiing techniques; classic and skate skiing. For that reason, skiers need to be properly equipped for both techniques during the season. Ideally skiers have the following equipment and ALL items are labeled with the skier’s name.
Note that there are two options for possible setups:
Option A: Two sets of skis AND poles
Classic skis and poles
Poles should be armpit height
Waxable skis are preferred over fish scales but at this level either are acceptable
Skate skis and poles
Poles should be shoulder to “mustache” height
Option B: Combi Setup for both techniques
One pair of "Combi" (combination) skis and two sets of poles
Classic poles - armpit height
Skate Poles - shoulder to “mustache” height
This is a good option for new skiers because they can be used for both skate and classic races
Compatible Boots for your chosen setup
NNN (preferred!) or SNS - please make sure your boots and binding system are compatible
This website is very helpful in illustrating the difference if this is new to you. At this level, one pair of “Combi” boots is sufficient. However, you can opt to have a pair of boots for each technique. We just ask that they fit properly and are in good condition- your skier will be happy for this too!
Other Neccessities
Ski bag - to hold skis/poles - required for bus travel
Ski ties - to hold skis in a pair
Outerwear for the season - hats, gloves (that fit with the pole grips), and layers!
**Waxing Equipment (optional) - if you or your child have an interest in learning how to glide wax skis there are likely to be ample opportunities this winter! Stay tuned…
Not ready to take on the ski waxing world? A universal glide wax is a totally acceptable option for this level and can be purchased at L.L. Bean Bike, Boat and Ski Shop in Freeport or Boulder Nordic Sport in Portland.
When we have classic races and practices, coaches (and/or parent volunteers) will add kick-wax, supplied by the team, beforehand.
During the season, expect weekly email communications from the coaches about the week ahead by Sunday evenings.
When our team goes "live" you can access our schedule page through the district website for athletics: https://yarmouthhs.rschoolteams.com/
Please set up "Notify me" notifications at this site, as changes to our schedule are communicated rapidly by the athletics department using this platform.