About Us
What do we do?
The Yarmouth Ski Club is a local 501(c)(3) dedicated to supporting skiing programs in the Yarmouth community. We primarily focus on the Middle School and High School alpine and nordic programs, but we also are starting to expand to helping other local programs too. Some ways we serve our skiing community:
Host annual ski swap in November
Provide funding to help offset food and lodging for winter alpine and nordic training camps, along with logistical support
Provide funding for food and lodging for alpine and nordic state championships, along with logistical support
Provide funding for assistant coaches
Run nordic ski waxing clinic for middle school families
Provide funding for awards
Offer the Morse Scholarship to graduating seniors
Host the Yarmouth Skiing Hall of Fame
Run the fried clam booth at the Yarmouth Clam Festival
In addition, there are some opportunities in the works that board members are investigating. Whether the Ski Club will get involved is still to be determined. We are currently looking into:
Helping Yarmouth Community Services with technical knowledge for their youth skiing and rental programs
Helping start a local biathlon program
Helping start a backcountry skiing opportunity for High Schoolers
Wow! That's awesome! How can I help?
How can you help us financially?
Sell, or better yet, donate skis for the ski swap
Buy dinner at Pat's Pizza during our fundraiser, between 4 & 8pm
Use Ski Club Clynk bags for your returnables
Make a donation
Eat lots of fried clams at the Clam Fest!
In the fall, we're looking for volunteers for the ski swap, and in the spring and summer, we line up volunteers for clam fest.
Join the Board
We meet once a month at the high school for about an hour to talk about how we can best support both teams over a planned agenda. Our Board consists of a President, Secretary, Treasurer, and several members. If you'd like to attend a meeting to see what we do or be a part of the discussions, please contact the president: Erik Hellstedt.