Yarmouth Alpine Ski Team (YAST)
About Alpine
Yarmouth, ME Co-ed Alpine Ski racing has been a prominent part of the high school and middle school winter athletic offerings for a half century. Thousands of athletes have competed for the Yarmouth Alpine Ski Team over that time and for many years, Nordic and Alpine were integrated in league and state competitions with athletes pursuing Ski Meister competitions that were a combination of alpine and nordic races and results. Although the two disciplines have become more specialized and there are not any high school ski meister races at the moment, the Yarmouth alpine and nordic teams, coaches, boosters and parents continue to work together on and off snow to benefit the Yarmouth Ski Team family.
Ski racing and training throughout Maine during the winter is a huge amount of fun and every athlete gets better at skiing during the season. The high school team races and trains at Lost Valley and Pleasant Mountain during the week (usually Monday, Tuesday and Thursday). The middle school team races and trains at Pleasant Mountain during the week (usually Tuesday and Thursday). School buses transport the teams to and from the mountain.
Due to the support of the Yarmouth schools and the Yarmouth Ski Club boosters, there is not a participation fee, ticket fee or race fee for athletes. Athletes must provide their own ski equipment but a race suit is provided by the school.