Ski Swap
Yarmouth Ski Swap
William H. Rowe School
52 School Street, Yarmouth, ME 04096
9:00 to 12:00
Buy Gear!
Sell Gear!
Sell Gear!
There are three reasons to love the Yarmouth Ski Club's Ski Swap:
we help sell your experienced ski equipment so you don't have to;
we offer some of the best pre-season deals on experienced ski equipment; and
all the proceeds from this event provide nearly 50% of the Club’s financial support for Yarmouth's school alpine and nordic ski teams.
Your support helps us spread the magic of Maine's winter to all of our alpine and nordic athletes by:
hiring additional coaches;
providing team uniforms and race suits;
transportation to and from team activities; and
covering the expense of pre-season training camps.
Ski Swap Schedule
William H. Rowe School 52 School St. Yarmouth, ME 04096
Drop off your Gear for Consignment
Friday, November 15, 5:30 - 8:00 PM
The Yarmouth Ski Club (YSC) will retain 25% of the proceeds of all sales and the seller will receive 75% of the proceeds. If the seller has checked the 100% donation checkbox on the consignment sheet, then YSC will retain 100% of the proceeds.
Yarmouth Ski Club Ski Swap
Saturday, November 16, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
This event is hosted by the Yarmouth Ski Club and provides the Club’s financial support for Middle School and High School Alpine and Nordic Skiing teams and has been a huge driver of our success. Thank you for making the Yarmouth Ski Swap a spectacular event!
Unsold Item Pickup
Saturday, November 16, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Unsold items not picked up become property of the Yarmouth Ski Club.
The Ski Club needs your help. PLEASE VOLUNTEER! It doesn’t matter if you are a first year Middle School ski parent or an “old pro”– all are welcome and no experience is necessary!
There are 2 days of volunteer shifts for the Swap, and shifts vary in length, so there is something for everyone:
Friday, November 15, from 4:45pm – 8:00pm. Set up and equipment check in
Saturday, November 16, from 7:00am – 3:00pm. Vendor set up, SALE, take down
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Erik Hellstedt:
Many thanks to Rodger's Ski Shop for being our Alpine Ski Vendor!
Thank you for making the Yarmouth Ski Swap a spectacular event!